ERBE - IELTS includes Academic & General Training.

Academic is provided for students pursuing higher studies or professional training in European Country.
General is for aspirant moving to English Speaking frameworks.
Both versions provide valid and accurate assessment of the four language skills namely Writing, Speaking, Listening & Reading.

IELTS on paper

IELTS on paper take the Writing, Listening & Reading Sections on a paper with either pen or HB pencils. The Speaking test is conducted face to face or via video call with trained IELTS examiner. The results are declared after Thirteen Calendar Days.


IELTS on Computer

IELTS on Computer take the Listening, Reading & Writing Sections on a computer. The Speaking test remains face to face or via video call with trained IELTS Examiner. Computer based tests gives you convenience to choose from multiple test dates and slots. You can expect results within 3-5 Days. IELTS testing on computer gives you convenience to take exactly the same IELTS Test. Academic & General Training using computer based IELTS is same test in terms of content, structure, timing and fairness.
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